Bard: Tell Me How Important Copper Is To Rio Tinto’s Future Revenues

I submitted this question to Bard’s (Google’s AI tool) on June 30, 2023 and am publishing the response without edits.

“Copper is a very important metal for Rio Tinto’s future revenues. In 2022, copper was the smallest earning segment for Rio Tinto, worth US$2.376 billion of underlying EBITDA, or 8.8% of total EBITDA. However, copper is set to grow in importance in the coming years. The International Energy Agency estimates that the world will need 700 million tonnes of copper over the next 20 years to meet its Paris Agreement climate goals. This demand growth is being driven by the increasing use of copper in electric vehicles, renewable energy projects, and other green technologies. Rio Tinto has a number of copper assets that are well-positioned to benefit from this demand growth. These include the Oyu Tolgoi copper mine in Mongolia, the Bingham Canyon copper mine in the United States, and the Kennecott copper mine in Chile. Rio Tinto is also investing in the development of new copper projects, such as the Jadar copper-zinc project in Serbia. As a result of these factors, copper is expected to become an increasingly important source of revenue for Rio Tinto in the coming years. Analysts have forecast that copper could account for up to 15% of Rio Tinto’s total EBITDA by 2030. Here are some of the reasons why copper is so important to Rio Tinto’s future revenues: Copper is a key metal in the transition to a low-carbon economy. It is used in a wide range of green technologies, including electric vehicles, renewable energy projects, and energy-efficient appliances. The demand for copper is expected to grow significantly in the coming years. The International Energy Agency estimates that the world will need 700 million tonnes of copper over the next 20 years to meet its Paris Agreement climate goals. Rio Tinto has a strong portfolio of copper assets. The company owns a number of large, high-quality copper mines in key mining jurisdictions. Rio Tinto is committed to investing in the development of new copper projects. The company is currently developing the Jadar copper-zinc project in Serbia, which is one of the largest undeveloped copper projects in the world. Overall, copper is a very important metal for Rio Tinto’s future revenues. The company is well-positioned to benefit from the growing demand for copper in the coming years.”

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